Tooth Extraction & Wisdom Teeth

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Dental Filling or Dental restoration is a treatment modality to restore the missing tooth structure which could have been a result of decay (bacteria that destroys the teeth with its acid) or trauma (a force that has broken the tooth). Decay makes the tooth hollow. A dental filling helps to fill this gap and protect it from further decay. A filling is also used to repair broken or cracked teeth and the teeth that wear off due to dental habits like teeth grinding, nail-biting, etc.

Tooth extraction or removal is a common dental procedure done under local anaesthesia for various reasons, such as –

  • Severe decay – tooth that cannot be saved by doing root canal treatment
  • Grossly decayed
  • Fractured tooth
  • Orthodontic reasons
  • Severe Periodontitis
  • Retained deciduous teeth
  • Pathologies such as cysts, tumours associated with the tooth/teeth


The Wisdom teeth (also called Third Molar) usually do not push through the gums until the late teens or twenties. They are the third and final set of molars to arrive in our lifetime. However, even instances of eruption in late adulthood are common. If they erupt smoothly and without any interruption, then they can be proved as an asset. But in case they do not erupt properly or are misaligned, they would need to be extracted.

In the majority of cases, there will not be enough room in the jaw for a wisdom tooth or all wisdom teeth to fully emerge which makes the wisdom tooth impacted. This means that the wisdom teeth remain intact in the soft tissue and partially break or erupt through the gums. If they remain partially open, then the chances of bacteria entering the tooth are high. Food and bacteria builds up between the wisdom teeth and its neighbouring molars and decay and gum infection are very likely to occur. This can make brushing and flossing the wisdom teeth extremely difficult and can lead to several complications such as inflammation, pain, infection & can also lead to the swelling in the jaw and general illness. Due to these reasons, the wisdom teeth will need to be removed.

Crowded wisdom teeth in the upper jaw have a tendency to lean sideways and grate against the cheek. These wisdom teeth usually cause ulceration and chewing problems. The pressure from wisdom teeth may also force the other teeth closer together and interfere with the bite and cause toothache on the tooth next to it.

Reasons for removal of Wisdom Tooth/Teeth:

  • Wisdom teeth removal surgery is best done early — Toothache prompts patients to come to the dentist. However, wisdom teeth do not usually cause pain until damage has already been done! Wisdom teeth removal surgery is best performed sooner rather than later. X-rays taken earlier can indicate whether or not wisdom teeth will cause problems. The dental surgeon or oral surgeon will tell you when is the best time for the wisdom teeth removal.

  • Antibiotics are a short term solution for impacted wisdom teeth — infections such as pericoronitis caused by wisdom teeth can be treated with antibiotics, but the infection will reoccur unless the wisdom teeth removal is performed.

  • It is often recommended before or immediately after orthodontic treatment

  • Wisdom teeth removal surgery or impacted tooth extraction may need to be considered before construction of dentures. Sometimes the wisdom teeth erupt beneath the denture and that can cause severe irritation and infection.

  • Wisdom teeth removal may be advisable before traveling to an area or country where dental services like wisdom teeth surgery are not readily available.

  • Asymptomatic impacted wisdom teeth — There is always a risk that impacted wisdom teeth may cause problems. It may occur at inconvenient and unpredictable times. If the wisdom teeth appear to have a high chance of causing problems in the future, the dental surgeon or the oral surgeon may advice removal of wisdom teeth.

Opening Hours:

Monday : ……………… 10:00 AM – 09:00 PM          Tuesday : ……………… 10:00 AM – 09:00 PM          Wednesday : ……….. 10:00 AM – 09:00 PM          Thursday : ……………. 10:00 AM – 09:00 PM      Friday : …………………. 10:00 AM – 09:00 PM        Saturday : …………….. 10:00 AM – 09:00 PM      Sunday : ………………… Prior Appointment

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